Sunday, April 25, 2010

brain dump

here are some tips for y'all that are generally applicable to every-day living

-young black children are really into free shit on a bench, especially cookie trays and cooking spoons. utensils change lives.

-avoid looking at the browsing history of your home computer that your dad mainly uses

-when you live in your own place , you get to drop a deuce with the door wide open without Giving A Fuck.

-check out this unabashed-shamefulness girl. notice the calm, collected, expression on her face. there is no 'Giving A Fuck' here. thank you for this. also thank google image search for being able to find a 'pooping with door open' picture on the first page of results.

-baths are indescribably relaxing, and if you feel ashamed about taking one, grow some taint and, afterwards, relax it in a warmly drawn tub; growing a taint probably hurts like hell.

-it's usually unwise to bum a lighter from a bum if you don't have anything to give him.

-if you accidentally graze a cougar's butt on multiple occasions and she doesn't seem miffed, and even moves her butt closer to your grasp, then she is probably passive-aggressively hitting on you. or she has a volitional ass, possibly voluptuous as well. vociferous. recurring idea for a summer project: bag a cougar. thinking of getting a net and elephant tranquilizer. that really sounds like rape though, even metaphorically. i think i'll just go to a petting zoo.

-box cutting is made easier with a box cutter.

-cigarettes are generally not good for you.

-esl azns will literally laugh at anything, and they will laugh enthusiastically, genuinely hard. 'so i went downstairs to grab some files and then i got really tired' can be the best joke told ever.