Friday, August 27, 2010


i'm going to a reds / cubs game with a bunch of asian people. will post updates.

i don't know shit about the reds. except for that votto guy, and a guy with a weird last name that goes like 'gomes'. i've went to a couple games. here's some pics i guess:

everytime the reds score a homerun, a weed bomb explodes and everybody gets High as Fuck

that shit is pretty

also the reds are at the top of the division which makes my presence in the city highly valuable as compared to other cities; i'm in the 'fuck yeah reds' population radius. i just said it out loud , but not too loud because no one else is in the lab right now except for someone shuffling some things around at the other end of the room.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

some video action directed at your stupid eyes

im just being edgy, i probably like your eyes. unless you don't have any. then i like your face and all of your insides, in a non-creepy way. ;).

here's a video of a fountain boy receiving the most horrible, eternal bukkake. look at his face grimace; he is in hell, watery, non-replenishing hell.

put that shit in 1080p for that crisp self-effacing action. this was at lollapalooza, in the middle of grant park. i think the statue-boy once had a joyful life, making that sprinkle sound for everyone to sooth their minds to. but then something went terribly wrong.

i also have a video of the lead singer of hockey acting like a disney-troupe song&dance kid, prancing about the stage like a flamboyant gazelle, high on poppy. it was v amusing. i'll post it later. i would have more videos of lollapalooza, and i actually do, but i tried to do this 'shaky-cam' thing to go along with the rhythm of the music, and it turned out to be both seizure- and vomit-inducing in a subject test. stay tuned.

edit - here it is:

he looks like a hot-cop peter pan , or one of those guys in tobias funke's queen mary street gang. btw sorry for cloverfield-cam.

also my ex-gf recently e-mailed me a story entitled 'Fwd: Blood Vomit'

musings upon a mirthful horizon of nothing

so a black dude on a skateboard whistled at me . he was using an actual whistle. then he laughed and starting singing a song about walking around whistling, sorta like that whistle tip guy (cf. ). people do that a lot around here. it's a thing.

then, before that, at work, my azn boss was like 'you have to dispose of this mercury'. at first, i didn't know how, but then i figured it out from this girl who knew about mercury. you have to fill out a form and detail how toxic that shit may or may not be. mercury is some serious business. so are batteries. the more you knew.

i've smoked scant cigarettes lately. i feel they don't do much except for closing my airway and diseasing my sleep. my sleep has been diseased for 6 years. ever since this girl traded cigarettes to me for giving her a ride to school. marlboro reds. that shit will make you not want to smoke another cigarette. you always smoke another cigarette. i already did though.

my sleep doctor prescribed me pills for sleep, but i think they're mostly for abusing. i'm not abusing them, but it definitely looks like i am, especially after i poured them all out over the table by accident. they're like little yellow candy sunshines waiting to give their happiness to you. but i use them for sleep. apparently, when i sleep, my brain spontaneously arouses 164 times in 5 hours. it's sort of like your car being jumped 164 times in 5 hours, but it doesn't start. that would be a sign of needing a new car. what does this say about me ? i think i'll take some pills and find out. just one though, for sleep.

here's a picture of my current mood:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

lab soliliquization

leaning lower back lashes out a pleasure crack
whirring air-machine above sucks , my hate has no lack
proximal azns dip their brains into computronics
sushi lunch glides unfaithfully down stately, plump gastrotract

staring at blog screen is a fuck you to my eyes
but there are worse things better for this
for anytime is the best time for a mind terrorized
by everything essentially unsacred and shit

there's a fly in a vial
his copulation will be a trial
when he has no legs after
sitting in molasses for a while

these were written while sitting inside this building :