Thursday, August 26, 2010

musings upon a mirthful horizon of nothing

so a black dude on a skateboard whistled at me . he was using an actual whistle. then he laughed and starting singing a song about walking around whistling, sorta like that whistle tip guy (cf. ). people do that a lot around here. it's a thing.

then, before that, at work, my azn boss was like 'you have to dispose of this mercury'. at first, i didn't know how, but then i figured it out from this girl who knew about mercury. you have to fill out a form and detail how toxic that shit may or may not be. mercury is some serious business. so are batteries. the more you knew.

i've smoked scant cigarettes lately. i feel they don't do much except for closing my airway and diseasing my sleep. my sleep has been diseased for 6 years. ever since this girl traded cigarettes to me for giving her a ride to school. marlboro reds. that shit will make you not want to smoke another cigarette. you always smoke another cigarette. i already did though.

my sleep doctor prescribed me pills for sleep, but i think they're mostly for abusing. i'm not abusing them, but it definitely looks like i am, especially after i poured them all out over the table by accident. they're like little yellow candy sunshines waiting to give their happiness to you. but i use them for sleep. apparently, when i sleep, my brain spontaneously arouses 164 times in 5 hours. it's sort of like your car being jumped 164 times in 5 hours, but it doesn't start. that would be a sign of needing a new car. what does this say about me ? i think i'll take some pills and find out. just one though, for sleep.

here's a picture of my current mood:

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