Monday, October 8, 2012

i can't believe this still exists

i can't believe people do this literally every day

i can't believe that people don't eat calzones more often; i seriously haven't seen anyone besides myself eat a calzone in at least 3 years.

i can't believe it's not socially acceptable to eat beans straight from a can.

i can't believe it's not cool to wear sunglasses and rollerblade really fast around public places and spontaneously screech yr wheels to a controlled halt in front of sexy ladies,,, why am i not swimmin in pussy??

i can't believe it's not qatar

i can't believe love is not an unnatural byproduct of tempered lust in cross-interference with genetic drive

i can't believe that every house doesn't come with a ghost dog or ghost cat that haunts the place in a cool and playful way, a la Casper the friendly ghost. like you could throw an imaginary bone at the wall and the dog would just run right through it before suddenly leaping out of your toilet

i can believe that i will not update this blog again for at least 1 year and if i do somebody pls shoot me